"You always fall to the level of your training, so train at the highest level…"

“… when it’s time to perform, you can then say to yourself ‘I’ve done the work, now let’s enjoy the moment’.”


“Let’s look outside the box. You can train your body, you can train your skills, and you can train your mind. Why not train them all together?”

Whether you are an athlete, an executive or sports team, Nam Baldwin’s Elite Performance Coaching revolves around many strong, foundational components that stand the tests of time.  To this he adds his own innovative sparks that ignite enthusiasm, growth, energy, performance, a greater ability to handle challenge and recovery of both mind & body, all designed to have you thriving in and out of competitive environments.

Nam is available in a 1:1 capacity and to teams, however he only takes on a limited number of clientele each year.


1:1 Performance Coaching
For Executives

Are you ready for immediate & lasting change, for growth, and finding a better way to perform that will be supported by high-level well-being practices for the mind, body & soul? Let Nam assist in addressing your unique challenges and/or giving you direction on what must be put in place to take yourself to the next level or to stop a downward spiral and start thriving again.


1:1 Performance Coaching
For Athletes

Nam’s approach helps any athlete quickly discover their physical and mental ‘gaps’ in performance so that new skills can be applied & tested immediately. Nam has a deep hunger to explore individual potential and has an incredible talent for simplifying the complicated science behind brain and body performance, delivering his message in life-changing, digestible sessions, that are easy to understand & practice.


High Performance Coaching For Teams

Nam’s methods combine science & innovation, a style that invigorates teams looking for new ways to grow & perform at their best. For 17+ years he has been sharing his vast knowledge & experience of ‘Breath Enhancement Training’ (BET), helping athletes develop effective breathing practices for high intensity experiences, emotional regulation, decision-making & recovery. Continuing work includes physical & mental skill frameworks, all supported by high-level well-being practices to support further growth throughout the season.

Click To Learn More

Breath Enhancement Training

Whether you’re looking for the edge as an athlete, in the surf, or to manage your stress levels & improve your health and well-being, Breath Enhancement Training (B.E.T) is an internationally renowned program that supports physical and mental conditioning.  It will challenge AND calm you, enhancing both your physical and mental capabilities.

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    With over 28 years experience in the health, fitness & wellbeing industries worldwide, Nam specialises in emotional & physiological intelligence & peak performance. He continually explores the achievement of success in high pressure situations. He is a life, health & peak performance coach, strength & conditioning coach, powerful corporate trainer, and a hugely popular keynote speaker.

    Nam is sought after by elite athletes, teams & is the well-kept secret of many ‘top 1 percenters’ in the business world. His gift of simplifying the complicated science behind brain & body performance, & delivering it in life-changing, digestible sessions, creates proven successes.
